Creating for an (authentic) audience

After spending two years as a lead teacher in a 1:1 student laptop project, the past two years my primary objective as a Technology Mentor has been to support teachers and students to utilize this wonderful resource within the learning process.

I also work with another school, less technology-rich. In fact, it’s probably more reflective of most public schools across North America. While we all recognize that technology must play an important role as we struggle to shift our schools to learning environments designed for the 21st century, the financial investment always seems to be an issue for most jurisdictions.

What we were able to do this year was recycle one 30 laptop cart full of computers retired from the original 1:1 project. To say that this technology, regardless of the fact it was previously used, was appreciated by teachers and students, would be an understatement. Over the course of the year I was able to work with learners in all kinds of different projects as we rotated the cart through different teams and teachers. Some stuck with digitizing previous practice, while others moved a bit further. All engaged students and moved previous practice forward.

The last day I have spent with Ms. Mitchell’s Grade 8 classes as they are wrapping up their year with a fun project. She came to me a while back and, knowing she would be the last class to access the COW (Computers on Wheels) this year, she wanted to do something fun. This is her idea. The student’s job – to create and digitize children’s stories to share with the elementary students across the street. We will also celebrate their work on the school website.

Unlike my 1:1 school, many of the students at this school come from a different socio-economic profile. Many don’t have computers at home, and for some this access is their first exposure to creating something for sharing on-line. Even though they are just starting production, the knowledge that their creations will be shared with an authentic audience, both in person and online, is hugely motivating. After spending over a week illustrating (by hand) their stories, they are now photographing their pictures and putting them together, adding text, transitions and narrations. Amazing times in this classroom.

Perhaps the neatest thing is that students who before may have struggled, can find a place as a leader in the learning in some way. Even students who are less than stellar artists are finding leadership roles showing others how to utilize the technology. It really is a collaborative effort.

tags: technology, education, whipple

One thought on “Creating for an (authentic) audience

  1. Jeff,
    Excellent post about students use of computers (some for the 1st time). Thanks for all your help with items on Twitter and on-line, I greatly appreciate it.

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